From last August Pop Up Wedding day event at Fielding Park…
sudbury pop up weddings
Emily & Ken…married on the trail in the woods…
These two love hiking. So, what better place to have a pop up wedding then on the trail near Kelly Lake… This was our first wedding of the Aug 24th Pop Up wedding day even we hosted.
Ken and Emily wanted a back up plan, in case of rain. That we had, since the Fielding Park building was rented our for the day and available to them and their friends and family in the event of sketchy weather.
Some images… (the weather was postcard perfect!). After the ceremony, they all went for a hike in the woods! How cool is that…
Alex & Emilie…Sudbury Pop Up wedding day….
From last month, when we had our Pop Up Wedding day event at Fielding Park. The weather was perfect! Alex, who I’ve known since we was only 18, got married to Emilie that day. They’ve been going out since she was in high school and have a beautiful two year old girl.
Here’s a few examples from their ceremony.
Snacks at the pop up wedding event…
We try and bring delicious and fresh snacks at our pop up wedding day events. Some cell phone snap shots from last August….
Pink Door Weddings…at our first Chamber After Five networking event…

Here we are last Tuesday at Restore on Notre Dame… our new banner, cards and treats…of course. Everyone who chatted with us had for the most part not heard of this idea, and thought it a great idea.
What I find pleasantly surprising is the fact that Tina is passionate and eager to get out there and promote this new venture of ours.
This was her idea…and when she talks to guests I hear her excitement…
“Did the bride wear a wedding gown?
Most of the time when I mention Pop Up weddings most folks have never heard of them. “What’s a pop up wedding?” they ask.
Recently I had such a conversation. I explained what a pop up wedding was and recounted our recent pop up wedding day event where we hosted and married 5 couples on one day.
This amazes most, including me.
They asked: “Did the bride wear a classic wedding gown?”
Kelly & Charles Pop Up Wedding at the Fromo..
Mostly family and some friends…Small, intimate and well done.
The way a pop up wedding should be.
And what a great venue for a Pop Up wedding in Sudbury….The Fromo. One of Sudbury’s favorite places for good food, music and a funky laid back vibe.
Kelly and Charles…some images and a slide show.
[Read more…] about Kelly & Charles Pop Up Wedding at the Fromo..
Throwing kids in the air….and other cool candid moments.
A random post. Not much to do with pop up weddings. Onwards…
Most kids love to fly. That’s why I often create these moments where dad throws the kid up in the air. They do this anyways, why not? Sometimes, like the first shot below, I see it happening, so I grab the moment. Fun. Scary for mom. Kids love it.
And it creates some cool memories of the wedding day.

Tina likes marrying couples….

wireless mic in hand, ready for action.
As we were driving to our wedding location where Katie and Chris were going to exchange vows and host a small almost Pop Up style wedding event in her parents yard, I turn to Tina and ask: “You enjoy officiating these weddings, don’t you?”
She replied “Yes, I do. I really do. It’s kinda cool.”
See, this is her first year, first summer as a wedding officiant. And she’s kinda good at it. I have to admit too she’s very, very organized and plans things to a T. That’s always been her super powers.
As we were driving, she’s still rehearsing the vows over again. She wants to make sure things go well.
It’s her style. She wants to do a good job and it shows.
New signage for our pop up wedding day event…
And a banner for the upcoming Sudbury Wedding Show this October 10th at the Steelworkes Hall, Brady ST., Sudbury ONT
Below….we have two signs to steer guests in the right direction:

Above…our display banner for the wedding show we plan on attending to promote pop up weddings and Tina’s wedding officiant services.