With their two children and about 40 of their closest friends and family. At St Andrews historic chapel, one of the most popular and favorite locations for a pop up wedding experience in Sudbury. Here’ s few samples… enjoy.

Sudbury Ontario Wedding Officiant
With their two children and about 40 of their closest friends and family. At St Andrews historic chapel, one of the most popular and favorite locations for a pop up wedding experience in Sudbury. Here’ s few samples… enjoy.
Many couples want to break with tradition and do a “first look”. This gives them the opportunity to meet up before the ceremony before anyone else gets to see them. It’s a special intimate moment. Often the bridal party will be there as well, and this gives us an opportunity to grab some images of them as well. Here’s a few samples from Michelle and Mat’s wedding….enjoy
“They offer great services I highly recommend them……..We had a blast and enjoyed our special day. You guys made it very easy.“
~Patricia Tousignant~
This place is becoming one of our favorite locations for a pop up wedding in Sudbury, ONTARIO…Some samples…Enjoy:
What a great location for a small, elegant wedding ceremony with all friends and family. Lianne and Shane used the family camp, or cottage for some, to host their wedding. It rained, a bit, then it stopped, and all went as planned. Some examples….